

The inclusion of people that are facing economic vulnerability in the labor market, through entrepreneurship or employability, so that they can generate a decent income, expand their power of choice, increase their quality of life and contribute to growing the country’s productivity

We bet on the transforming power of work
for people and for society.

For this reason, we believe that Productive Inclusion is a fundamental strategy for fighting poverty and inequality, offering the means for the most vulnerable populations to effectively assume full citizenship and contribute to increasing the country’s productivity. The creation of stable, lasting and worthwhile work and income for vulnerable populations helps to tackle the chronic and structural problems of social and economic exclusion that are so prevalent in our country.

Training and insertion strategies in the world of work should favor “learning to learn”, so that the chances of workers’ permanence are long-lasting.

In addition, good practices of Productive Inclusion must be attentive to the issues of environmental sustainability and must take into account the transformations produced by Industry 4.0, which points to new types of occupations and the demands of new technical and socioemotional skills.

Above all, Productive Inclusion needs to be a commitment from all sectors and actors in society, so that its impacts are highly positive, and its effects also contribute to having a more productive and prosperous country.

Our Strategy

We support initiatives that offer innovative and inspiring solutions to current and future challenges on the Productive Inclusion agenda in Brazil.

Our investment decisions are always based on evidence. In addition, we monitor and evaluate our actions to learn, improve and increase potential in our performance, sharing this knowledge with the organizations we support.

Productive Inclusion involves two aspects:



We see, in the access to worthwhile and dignified employment, an important way to contribute to the economic inclusion of vulnerable people and to the strengthening of companies and market sectors in which qualified and trained talent is needed.

We invest in organizations that train people with the socio-emotional and technical skills to enter the world of work and connect them with real opportunities to promising employment.

In addition, we invest in initiatives that operate in a network to further the development of an ecosystem for Productive Inclusion, looking at the present opportunities, but also at the skills needed for the future of work and workers.

Aware that the challenges are complex, we seek to encourage other actors to work alongside us on this project, as well as being part of alliances, networks and coalitions that connect efforts to make Productive Inclusion an effective engine of social change in our country.

In addition, we hope to generate relevant evidence from the systematization of these experiences, collaborating so that other agents can benefit from the lessons learned.

We work in partnership with various agents of society to enable initiatives that expand the growth potential of small entrepreneurs in low-income urban areas, as well as family farmers and small producers in rural areas. Always interested in solutions that offer complete programs, including training, advice / mentoring and access to new markets and capital for micro and small entrepreneurs / producers / farmers.

We believe that the promotion of innovation and the strengthening of resilient local economies, both in urban and rural areas, are fundamental factors in combating inequality, generating jobs and income, and helping the country prosper.

In addition to supporting initiatives to strengthen entrepreneurship in Brazil, we hope to generate relevant evidence from the systematization of these experiences, collaborating so that other agents can benefit from the lessons learned.

Our Theory
of Change


We help those who are already
doing it to do much more

Aliança Empreendedora (Entrepreneur Alliance) believes that “Everyone Can Be An Entrepreneur”. Its mission is to unite powers and enable access to entrepreneurship for individuals and communities. This stimulates both economic and social development.
The Alliance for Productive Inclusion (AIPÊ) arose from the coming together of various actors from different sectors. They all share the goal of creating job opportunities and boosting income in order to reduce social inequalities in Brazill. Through calls for proposals, AIPÊ supports initiatives that work with entrepreneurship and employability throughout Brazil.
The São Paulo Getúlio Vargas Foundation Center for Entrepreneurship and New Businesses' mission is to be a generator of knowledge, contributing to a culture capable of boosting the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country, with social entrepreneurship as one of its focuses.
Affiliated with Generation: You Employed, a North American employment education charity, Generation Brasil seeks to support young people to build sustainable and prosperous careers and provide employers with a network of highly qualified and motivated talent.
Gerando Falcões is a social development ecosystem that operates in a network to accelerate the impact of leaders in favelas throughout Brazil. Their mission and actions are concentrated on tackling and eradicating poverty in Brazilian favelas. Through education, they strive to promote citizen autonomy and secure their rights.
Instituto Escolhas advances and shares research on key issues for sustainable development, offering innovative approaches to major socio-environmental challenges and creating data-driven, evidence-based solutions with the rigor of the scientific method.
The Institute believes that the best decisions are made when society understands the main issues in each sector, is aware of the steps needed to address them, and knows the cost of putting ideas into practice.
J-PAL's Jobs and Opportunity Initiative Brazil (JOI Brazil), part of J-PAL's Jobs and Opportunity Initiative, aims to identify, strengthen and evaluate innovative programs that answer some of the most pressing questions related to employment facing policymakers, employers, and job seekers. The initiative will fund rigorous research, addressing the most urgent challenges of the labor market and disseminate this knowledge to governments, the private sector and to the civil society in Brazil and worldwide, in order to improve the quality of employability programs and policies and affect positively the lives of many Brazilians.
A global movement created in 2018 and led by the Aspen Institute, which operates in several countries with the aim of boosting the lives of millions of young people through Productive Inclusion. In Brazil, it aims to promote the Productive Inclusion of 760 thousand young people in socially vulnerable situations in the city of São Paulo by 2030. The Arymax Foundation is part of the founding committee of the initiative in the country.
An organization that focuses on creating real opportunities for young people from the public school system to develop skills and abilities in order to outline a concrete and sustainable life project, and have access to their first work and study opportunities.
{reprograma} is a social impact initiative that focuses on teaching coding to cis and trans women who do not have the resources and/or opportunities to learn to code.
The Itinerant Chair of Rural Productive Inclusion, managed and coordinated by the Research and Analysis Center for Environment, Development and Sustainability (Cebrap Sustainability), is hosted by educational and research institutions throughout Brazil for a specified period of time. Its primary focus is on three critical areas: producing knowledge, building capacity, and fostering engagement with civil society and the public sector.
Tabôa is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to strengthen communities by providing access to knowledge, financial resources, and encouraging cooperation, so that people, businesses, and organizations can reach their potential toward sustainability, starting in Serra Grande, Uruçuca, in the south of Bahia, Brazil . To this end, Tabôa supports community-driven projects and socioeconomic ventures, promoting local culture, diversity, and talent.
The One Million Opportunities (1MiO) initiative is Brazil's largest effort to integrate young people into the workforce.
Led by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 1MiO brings together over 2,000 partners from the private sector, civil society, states, and young people committed to creating opportunities for a smooth transition from school to the workforce.
This initiative involves six countries - Brazil, Canada, Colombia, the United States, France, and the United Kingdom - and seeks to comprehensively understand the care economy, which is known for its fragmentation and lack of coordination. The aim of the initiative is to identify the specific policies and regulations that shape care work and its provision at different levels of governance.

COVID-19 emergency support

Understanding that, after the emergency question of health, the field of Productive Inclusion would also be severely affected by the consequences of COVID-19, the Arymax Foundation selected initiatives to provide emergency support to entrepreneurs in low-income and rural areas, and to maintain jobs. They were:

Ação da Cidadania (Citizenship Action) has intensified its efforts to distribute food throughout the country to help families affected by the pandemic.
A national fundraising campaign for emergency action to fight hunger, misery and violence in the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021.
A voluntary societal movement in Brazil, without political involvement, to strengthen the fight against the effects of the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil.
A fundraising campaign to purchase food baskets that will be delivered to families in extreme poverty and users of the institution's services.
Operating since 1992, Ten Yad has expanded its operations despite the restrictions caused by the pandemic, seeking to honor its history and maintain its mission to fight hunger and rescue human dignity.
Support for rural entrepreneurs to access new markets as well as support for economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic.
A fund that offers management support and zero interest credit to urban entrepreneurs who work in low-income areas or with vulnerable people.
A support fund for entrepreneurs in low-income areas and Afro-Brazilian entrepreneurs from 8 states in Brazil.
Financial support and professional training for small entrepreneurs to restart their businesses and maintain associated jobs.
Crowdfunding for income generation and social assistance initiatives in the low-income neighborhoods of Brazil. The initiative will also offer consultancy to selected projects in their future fundraising campaigns.


Everything we do is to make a real difference.

Gabriela Paranhos

Generation Brasil

“(…) The Arymax Foundation was defining its new scope of operations and we always had super interesting exchanges, which ended up culminating in our partnership. The problem of Productive Inclusion is so big, so ingrained in our society, that there is a lot of space to think about new interventions to, truly, have an impact at scale.”

Alini Dal’Magro

Instituto PROA

“Since 2007, the PROA Institute has been committed to creating opportunities for development and employability for low-income youth, working together with investors, companies and public schools to include young people in the productive chain of work, thus creating an effective circle of income generation for young people and their families. The partnership with the Arymax Foundation strengthens us and makes us go even further, promoting the transformation in the lives of thousands of young people.”

Renata Truzzi


“Of extreme importance, the Arymax Foundation’s stance on investing in Productive Inclusion is in line with NESsT’s mission to invest in impactful businesses that are generating worthwhile jobs and working to increase employability. (…) In this context, NESsT and the Arymax Foundation decided to co-invest in the social business IAÊ – Instituto Aliança Empregos.”

Azor Barros

Estímulo 2020

“The Arymax Foundation is a supporter of Estímulo 2020, and I think that supporter is the best word. Arymax not only provides resources, but participated fully in the Estímulo training. (…) Having all the help and expertise of Arymax was essential for us.”

DJ Bola


“The financial support for the ANIP program represents a partnership towards a systemic change in private social investment, in which Arymax carries out its commitment to connect, along with other foundations, so that they look at low-income areas as a power, a place that can be invested in and can have a lot of impact.”

Gabriela Bighetti

United Way Brasil GOYN

“GOYN’s main objective is working to generate opportunities for 756 thousand young people in the city of São Paulo, over 10 years, through solutions that are co-created by institutions. They are collective constructions that change the issue of generating opportunities or Productive Inclusion of young people in the city of São Paulo in a systemic and sustainable way and that are based on evidence. This is a very big premise for GOYN, just as I know it is for Arymax too.”

Arilson Favareto


“Cebrap and the Arymax Foundation are partners in the project ‘Itinerant Chair on Productive Inclusion in Rural and Interior Brazil’, whose objective is to build capabilities in research institutions in regions marked by exclusion and to improve the level of knowledge available to society on this issue. Arymax already stood out for the innovative diagnosis it produced on productive inclusion and the network of organizations it has been mobilizing. This practice informs the handling of the problem and greatly increases the ability to seek innovative and wide-ranging solutions.”


“BrazilLAB is the first innovation hub that connects entrepreneurs with public administration. Within the COVID-19 Task Force, BrazilLAB trains and, with the support of the Arymax Foundation, scales startups that offer solutions for the inclusion of people facing social vulnerability through entrepreneurship and job creation. Based on the performance of these entrepreneurs and their connection with public policies, millions of people can be impacted throughout Brazil.”

Mariana Almeida

Fundação Tide Setubal

“The COVID-19 pandemic required a quick and collective movement from us, translated into Matchfunding Enfrente, a support and donation initiative for communities across Brazil. From the first moment, Arymax was at our side, with a focus on productive inclusion, a fundamental element for tackling inequality.”

Edgard Barki


“The Arymax Foundation is supporting the research “Impact Business as Drivers of More Inclusive and Innovative Societies” carried out by FGVcenn (Center for Entrepreneurship and New Business), whose objective is to understand how impact businesses operate, innovate and scale their businesses. The research is carried out in partnership with SEFORIS – Social Entrepreneurship as a Force for more Inclusive and Innovative Societies – a multidisciplinary international research project, which aims to investigate the potential of social organizations in different countries around the world.”


“Productive Inclusion includes people in economic vulnerability – such as people of African descent – in the world of work is one of the fronts of action of the ÉDITODOS coalition. We are very proud and we are honored by the partnership with the Arymax Foundation which, in addition to supporting us financially, is an exemplar for boosting work and income in Brazilian communities.”

Carina Pimenta


“Conexsus looks at rural and forestry enterprises, helping across 3 axes that we consider fundamental: (i) helping them to see themselves as businesses, because they come from a history in which they are producers, so it is a jump to have a vision of the market and operate with this logic; (ii) connect them with the markets, due to the fact that they do not operate as businesses, it is difficult to see further potential and opportunities; and (iii) what we call hybrid investment: a mixture of philanthropy of results with financing and participation structures.”

Maure Pessanha

Fundo Volta Por Cima

“Arymax was one of the first partners to say, “I believe in the idea”. And not only did it trust in our work: in addition to being the first to take a punt, it brought and influenced several other partners. In fact, one of them decided to finance not only the project, but also the operations of Artemísia, D’A Banca and Banco Pérola.”

Maure Pessanha


“(…) One way or another, the way of doing business has changed. And how could we help Afro-Brazilian entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs from vulnerable regions or refugee immigrants to digitize their businesses to facilitate their management and be more productive? JÁ É was born with this desire and Arymax made the bridge with the Accenture Institute, which has become one of the strategic partners.”