In 1990, Max Feffer and his father, Leon, created the Arymax Foundation, with the objective of organizing the philanthropic activities of the family, which already supported several projects as well as social and cultural organizations within and outside the Jewish community.
The name was created from the combination of Ary, from the Hebrew “aryeh”, which means “lion”, a reference to the patriarch Leon, and the name of his son, Max Feffer (1926-2001), indicating solidarity as a family value to be passed on from generation to generation.
Leon Feffer’s entrepreneurial spirit, combined with his bond with the Jewish community and always accompanied by the strength and sensitivity of his companion, Antonietta, have also impacted the identity of the Arymax Foundation throughout its history.
With a path based on strong values that span generations and persist to the present day, Arymax Foundation has, over the years, expanded its scope of activities to encompass all Brazilian society and, from 2010, began to dedicate its expertise and capital to support social innovation and training young leaders.
In 2015, a long and rigorous process of reflection and study began, in search of a new stance based on the use of evidence, meeting a demand from the Board, composed of members of the third and fourth generations of the family. The study involved Brazilian and international experts and culminated, in 2019, in the choice of a new cause: Productive Inclusion.
Keeping the legacy of its founders Leon and Max Feffer alive, Arymax Foundation continues to support projects and institutions in the Jewish community.
We believe that no problem can be solved alone. For this reason, we strengthen and value partnerships with other organizations, sharing our path with all those who share the dream of building a firer world.
To celebrate a new moment, we have developed a brand that represents everything that always has and still keeps us working to transform the lives of as many people as possible. Starting with an element that epitomizes nature, the tree, symbolizing our 30 plus years of maturity and solidity that continue to bear fruit for the whole of society. Its lines represent both the four generations of the family and our strategic and structured vision.
Our commitment to serving the country
goes beyond the here and now.
Are values
That span generations.
That honor our history.
That make work and collaboration
the path to transformation.
They are alliances
That mobilize people and dreams.
That bring together talents and ideas.
That add words and actions and multiply results.
It is excellence
That always takes us further.
That makes us look for the new.
That catalyzes actions of impact
for the whole of society.
It’s the vision
That comes with knowledge and intelligence.
That transforms the world with strategy and depth.
With truth and for truth.
Rewriting the future every day is part of our history.
And our story is made to make it happen.
We work with excellence, energy and dedication to always do more and better. We believe that perfection lies in the commitment to ensure that each decision is made in the most strategic and intelligent way possible.
We cultivate integrity, transparency as well as close and lasting relationships between ourselves and other individuals and organizations. We respect and value their perspectives and stories and we always seek to learn from them.
We know that by working together we go further. For this reason, we work as a united team to build alliances and bring together a strong and harmonious network, rich in cooperation and trust.
We believe that only through knowledge and science it is possible to promote an effective and profound transformation in society. Our commitment is to always work based on evidence.
Always paying attention to developments around the world, we are enthusiastic about innovation, restless and curious. Every day, we seek opportunities to discover and learn new lessons, without fear of what is unknown to us.
Our commitment is to serve the country and focus on what is truly relevant to society, seeking solutions that generate real and significant transformation and impact the largest possible number of people.
We have defined some premises for selecting the initiatives we support, always based on evidence and on what society really needs. Whatever the initiative, we maintain constant monitoring and evaluation of our actions to learn, improve and increase potential.
Arymax supports:
Initiatives in which we recognize an effective potential for positive impact.
Meaningful solutions that allow us to generate knowledge and subsidize the social field with good evidence.
Initiatives that can thrive, scale and reach large populations.
Networks, alliances and coalitions in which we can insert ourselves, fostering relationships based on cooperation and synergy in the ecosystem.
Initiatives led by civil society actors that have accumulated experience and knowledge that already work in the social field.
Organizations whose practices prioritize responsibility and commitment to the truth, which express their principles clearly and act accordingly.
Innovative and inspiring solutions for current and future challenges in the programs in which we operate.
Organizations that are structured and have planning in order to guarantee their longevity and relevance.
Initiatives that can act as an example for others.
Organizations that, due to their recognized excellence, are able to influence, mobilize and bring together other relevant and influential partners and referrals.