
Who cares? Care, Rights and Inequalities

Taking care of those who care – Productive inclusion in the care market.

The initiative

This study is coordinated by a broad group of researchers and stakeholders in the field to examine the care market through the lens of inequality. It focuses on how care needs are met within different family arrangements and through various forms of care work. The study has four main areas of analysis and discussion:

1. The impact of the pandemic on care needs and how care is provided within families;

2. The working conditions of paid care workers and their access to rights and benefits;

3. Care as a strategic and central dimension for the reconstruction of social infrastructure and public policies;

4. Collective care strategies centered around different forms of community solidarity and emerging associations. The goal is to shed light on social practices of those who contribute to care provision, which have been largely invisible up to this point.

How does Arymax contribute?

In addition to funding the study, Arymax actively participates in the Advisory Council, a permanent communication channel between researchers and relevant social actors in the care sector. The goal is to scale the social impact of research results, especially in terms of improving professional qualifications, productive inclusion and working conditions in this emerging economy